The play, OLGA, is a monologue written by Edelweiss Ramos, which recreates fragments of the life of the Jewish revolutionary, Olga Benário, who was condemned to death in a Nazi death camp in Germany. In Camila Bauer's staging of the script by Edelweiss, we visit a series of memories during Olga's last night, depicting her as a mother, a wife, a Jewess, a revolutionary, an asocial, a political prisoner. Taking this emotional journey with the character, face to face with the audience, allows the strength and resolve of this woman, who challenged the system and became an icon of resistance, to come through. The concept was created alongside Anita Prestes, the daughter of Olga Benário and Luiz Carlos Prestes, who also approved the script by Pedro Bertoldi and Edelweiss Ramos, which tells her mother’s story.
The performance of Olga is a tribute to the victims of the Holocaust on the 75th anniversary of the discovery of the Auschwitz concentration camp. The scenery by Ronaldo de Almeida and Diego Stefani places the actress in a confined space of 2m x 2m, surrounded by pillars and barbed wire in reference to the extermination camp. The thrust stage format enables the audience to be up close. Liane Venturella's costume was inspired by the clothes worn by prisoners in the Ravensbrück concentration camp, which were recycled from other uniforms worn by previously exterminated prisoners. Ricardo Vivian's lighting was designed as part of the set, with the entire electrical system installed into the structure of the stage. In this way, the light becomes an integral part of the staging and a fundamental part of the play’s visual concept. Álvaro RosaCosta's soundtrack is based on his research into the sounds in concentration camps. It is a dive into uncertainty, surrounded by barbarism.
A young German revolutionary sent to Brazil in 1934 to ensure the safety of Luís Carlos Prestes on a mission from the Communist International. Olga was arrested in Brazil and deported to Germany, where she remained as a Nazi prisoner for 6 years and, being Jewish and a strong political campaigner, was executed in the gas chamber at the age of 34, in 1942.
Olga was originally conceived as a short sketch and won 14 awards at festivals in Rio Grande do Sul, including Best Performance, Best Performance by Popular Vote, Best Actress, Best Script and Best Set
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Conception and performance: Edelweiss Ramos
Director: Camila Bauer
Text: Pedro Bertoldi e Edelweiss Ramos
Soundtrack and Sound Design: Álvaro RosaCosta
Piano: Simone Raslan
Set design: Ronaldo de Almeida e Diego Stefani
Lightning design: Ricardo Vivian
Costumes and make-up: Liane Venturella
Photographer: Tom Peres e Vilmar Carvalho
Graphic design: Jéssica Barbosa
Production and Realization: Projeto Gompa

"De um lado, temos a perseverante militante, que não se afasta de seus princípios de formação ideológica e que antecedem a própria aproximação do Partido Comunista, em Moscou. De outro, a mulher, apaixonada por Luiz Carlos Prestes, que se encontra em prisão, como ela, e vivendo uma experiência absolutamente nova, que é a condição de maternidade. Efetivamente, sabe-se que Olga foi entregue à polícia política alemã pelos esbirros da polícia política brasileira mesmo tendo dado ciência de que se encontrava grávida de uma criança concebida em território brasileiro, o que, pelo Direito Internacional, do qual o Brasil, como nação, era signatário, seria proibido de ocorrer. Olga teve a criança na prisão, amamentando-a durante um tempo, quando a menina foi-lhe retirada. Uma campanha internacional impediu que a menina desaparecesse e ela acabou sendo entregue à mãe de Luiz Carlos, sobrevivendo à própria mãe Olga. Hoje em dia, Anita Leocádia, a filha, é professora universitária e continua militante em nosso país, onde reside."