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GOMPA Project’s new production, The Mother of the Girl's Mother, conveys the different perspectives of three generations played by Sandra Dani, Liane Venturella and Laura Hickmann. Directed by Camila Bauer, Ruth (Sandra), Marta (Liane) and Júlia (Laura) make the spectator an accomplice in their desires and frustrations. Mother, daughter and granddaughter reveal perceptions about care, love and family bounds permeated by the time that intersects them and by the non-saids that characterize those relationships.


There were nine months of work and more than 40 recorded hours. The interviews and dramaturgic provocations of Lígia took Camila Bauer, Clóvis Massa and Liane Venturella to another immersion. With the editor Mateus Ramos, they selected the narrative that conceived the final script. 


The crew is composed of an extensive network of professionals. Álvaro RosaCosta and Simone Rasslan signed the soundtrack. The lighting is by Ricardo Vivian. Responsible for the photography direction, the filmmaker Lucas Tergolina collaborates artistically with the audiovisual language, with Mateus Ramos and Humberto Ferreira. The virtual version also has the participation of OVNI Acessibilidade Universal with Celina Xavier as sign language interpreter. 


With Camila Bauer’s artistic production (Gompa Project) and Letícia Vieira (Primeira Fila Produções), The Mother of the Girl's Mother, is a part of The Little Red Riding Hood’s Grandmother project, contemplated by the Prize nº 12/2019 FAC Movimento Pró-Cultura/SEDAC RS. It also has the short-film Three Times, directed by  Lucas Tergolina (Azeitona Filmes), expected to be finalized in 2021.


Pró-Cultura RS FAC (2020)       



Directed by: Camila Bauer;

Cast Sandra Dani, Liane Venturella e Laura Hickmann;  

Screenplay: Camila Bauer, Clóvis Massa e Liane Venturella;

Dramaturgic provocations: Lígia Souza;

Screenplay created from the actresses’ improv: Sandra Dani, Liane Venturella e Laura Hickmann;

Artistic Production: Letícia Vieira e Camila Bauer;

Production Coordination: Letícia Vieira;

Lighting and Visual Effects: Ricardo Vivian;

Costume: Fabiane Severo;

Original Soundtrack: Álvaro RosaCosta e Simone Rasslan;

Direct Sound: Mina Serviços de Audiovisual/Raysa Fisch;

Sound Design and Sound Finalization: BlacknoAr;

Language Sign Translation and Interpretation: Celina Xavier

Accessibility Production: OVNI Acessibilidade Universal;

Direction of Photography and Artistic Collaboration: Lucas Tergolina;

Assistant of Audiovisual Direction: Henrique Schaefer;

Executive Production: Isadora Pillar;

Camera Operator: Mateus Ramos e Lucas Tergolina;

Camera Assistant: Eduarda Alves;

Editing: Mateus Ramos;

Video Finalization: Humberto Ferreira;

Graphic Design: Jéssica Barbosa;

Press: Léo Sant´Anna;

Social Media: Pedro Bertoldi;

Support: Casa na Chácara, Cia. Stravaganza, Fermentô, Locall e Magazzino di Carol;

Production: Primeira Fila Produções

Coproduction: Azeitona Filmes;

Realization: Projeto GOMPA;

Funding: Secretaria da Cultura do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - The Little Red Riding Hood 's Grandmother project, contemplated by the Prize nº 12/2019 FAC Movimento Pró-Cultura/SEDAC RS. 


Special thanks to the women interviewed for this project: Alice Urbim, Ana da Silva Saldanha, Ana Maria Butelli, Célia Ferraz da Rosa, Edla Elane Bauer, Ester Golandinski, Fátima Cesarini, Gisele Hiltl, Isolina Oliveira de Souza, Juliana Sibemberg Nedir, Lia Venturella, Maria da Glória dos Santos, Priester, Marilene Caselani Roos, Monica Blaya de Azevedo, Pedrolina Dutra da Silva, Venina Carneiro and Vera Santos.


Duration: 71 min

Age Rating: appropriate to all ages

With brazilian sign language translation




Antônio Hohlfeldt - Jornal do Comércio

“Differently from the previous spectacle, however, in which the research - including interviews with different women - was the starting point for the development of a fiction screenplay. Here the director Camila Bauer, starting from a screenplay created by herself, Clóvis Massa and Liane Venturella, unveils the creation and brings it to the stage, even though the figure of Ruth Souza doesn't show in front of the camera, the process of materialization of the work, from those same interviews with those anonymous women, to which they add the provocations amongst the three actresses, resulting in a innovative spectacle aesthetically, and contundent, from the communicational point of view, because the actresses/characters are taken to remember, to improvise, to testify, besides interpreting, as actresses. Of course they are performing, it is a spectacle (in this sense, an artificial narrative): they embody, each one, a certain character with a name, a profession, a well designed identity. At the same time, in the passage from one scene to the next, the interventions of the narrator/interviewer breaks this artificiality and provokes reflexions expressed in an ambiguous manner: we don't know anymore if it is a line from the character or the actress herself. [...]”
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Paulo Gaiger - Esquina Democrática

“The narrative of three women, a grandmother, a daughter and a granddaughter catches the spectator (or tele spectator?) from beginning to end. The things that were never said, the restrained feelings, the looks turned away, the inconclusive love, the uncommunicated resentments, the windows that close for no reason, the canned apology, the belated forgiveness, the escapes, the hollow smiles. Silences that hide, at the bottom and in the margins, the immense love, the enormous joy and the gratitude. There is nothing like a conversation, like conjugating the verb to listen, to listen with respect, tenderness and with no judgment. We are and it is for all of us. Sandra Dani as the grandmother, Laura Hickmann as the granddaughter and Liane Venturella as the mother and daughter, give a masterclass in interpretation. Stanislavski, Bergman and Peter Brook would applaud standing and with their eyes full. Once more, the sensitive direction by Camila Bauer. The soundtrack is by Álvaro and Simone plus a genius crew behind. [...]”

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